Sunday, November 29, 2009

Dead Gaze

I am loving the shit out of this band from Jackson right now, and this video, "Back and Forth"

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Gary War @ Tritone

Shdwply Records' master of lo-fi psych Gary War is coming to Philadelphia next month and I am super excited to have gotten the chance to do a show for him. It will be at Tritone Sunday December 13th at 9pm. This dude has put out some amazing stuff and worked with killer artists like Ariel Pink & more. From Shdwply's site:

"...When an act comes along such as Gary War that seems to conjure the ever-changing zeitgeist of psychedelia out of the ether, it's remarkable...His tonal insobriety, from one song to the next is a true sign of the times, where artists are driven to explore different avenues, melding genres, vocal styles and instrumentation to arrive somewhere new.." -Victim Of Time on "New Raytheonport"

"Gary War is taking sonic wizardry to levels as yet uncharted by man. While we sleep he is fashioning lyric webs like a yellow brick path thru the rawest of the honest..." -La Maladie Tropicale

"The best modern psych sounds bar none" -Volcanic Tongue on "Zontag" 7"

Operating out of New York City, current Gary War releases include "New Raytheonport" LP (SHDWPLY), "Zontag" 7" (Sacred Bones), "Anhedonic Man" one-sided 7" (Hell Yes!), "Opens-Live at WFMU" Cassette (Captured Tracks), "Horribles Parade" LP (Sacred Bones) and "Galactic Citizens" 12" ep (Captured Tracks).

Don't miss it! Info on 4000 Flavors Volume 6 coming soon!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Birds of Maya @ Woodstove This Saturday

show at my house on saturday november 7th featuring:

Birds of Maya - Philly heavy blues/stoner rock Holy Mountain Records

Motion Turns it On - Houston progressive indie Chocolate Lab Records CD Release Tour

Brick & Mortar - Tom's River, NJ (electro/world/ bungle, secret chiefs 3, etc..)

Seasons - Philly indie grunge noise (90s alt, sonic youth, drive like jehu, etc...)

@ Woodstove 1712 n 2nd st rear (enter on philips st.)

Safe and happy Halloween!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Spiral Q Needs Your Help!

Here is an email I got from Alice Manos:

Hey everyone!

Greetings from Spiral Q Puppet Theater! You are getting this email because you participated in making giant puppets with Spiral Q artists in September, and Spiral Q wants to let you know that....

The 10th Annual Peoplehood Parade and Pageant is Saturday October 17 at 1 PM at 50th and Walnut! The parade walks through West Philly to Clark Park (45th & Chester) for the pageant at 2 PM.

Right now, we need your help finishing puppets and parade art for Peoplehood. We will be at the Spiral Q studio at 3114 Spring Garden Street today, Friday, Saturday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 11 AM- 10 PM. Come join us and bring your friends! The more the merrier!

If you want to play a role in the pageant, we invite you to come to Peoplehood rehearsal this Sunday, October 11 from 12-6 PM at Clark Park at 45th and Chester. No experience necessary. Come learn how to handle a giant puppet!

We are still looking for groups and organizations to be in the parade! If your school/group/organization wants to be in the parade, please call Ted at 215-222-6979 as soon as you can! Groups must talk to Ted before walking in the parade, but if you want to walk in the parade with your friends and family, just show up at 12 noon on October 17th at the Paul Robeson House at 4951 Walnut.

We are also still looking for volunteers the day of Peoplehood! If you want to be a parade marshal, help load and unload puppets, or be helpful in another way please call Alice at 215-222-6979.

We hope to see you very soon!

Alice Manos and the rest of the Spiral Q Crew!

Friday, August 28, 2009

On Tour w/ Florida & Columboid

I am currently on the road playing bass for the band Florida. They are bringing along Columboid, who is fronted by my brother Ryan. I am also playing bass for them. Florida is touring for their new 7-inch  on shdwply records.. The 45 rpm record has a 3-D cover, and comes packaged with 3D glasses.

Here are the dates:

8/27 Brooklyn, NY @ Silent Barn
8/28 Philadelphia, PA @ Danger Danger Gallery
8/29 Norfolk, VA @ The Boot
8/30 Raleigh, NC @ Treetown Showspace
8/31 Myrtle Beach, SC @ Basement
9/1 Athens, GA @ Go Bar
9/2 Nashville. TN @ TBA
9/3 Greenboro, NC @ The Green Bean
9/4 Washington DC @ The Velvet Lounge
9/5 Stroudsburg, PA @ Mollies

Bringing zines to sell along the way!

Also wanted to let everyone know I am registered for a table at this year's Philly Zine Fest Sunday September 20th @ the Rotunda 12-6pm. 4014 Walnut St. West Philly. Lots of sweet books, art, music, distros, crafts, workshops, etc... Very excited for this!  

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Volume 5 Jam

Moving on to the next issue of four thousand flavors, this one is all poetry written by folks like Will Hannan, Mallory Fisher, Victoria Tresko + more. The cover was designed and printed by my man Chris "Snacks" Kline, the creator of a zine called "Real Raw." 

The party is at the ol' Woodstove once again, yet this time we will also be celebrating my becoming the newest member of the household.

Catholic Block (Philly)
Columboid (NYC)
Mass shivers (Chicago)
Cave Paintings (Philly

8 pm $5

From 2nd and Cecil B Moore go west and make a right on philips st.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

what it is

Jang House was awesome! Not a bad turnout for a monday. Huge thanks to everyone who came and to the Barbary and DJ Si Young for hooking it up. Javelin and Teengirl Fantasy both totally killed it. 

Take a look at this trailer for a short film called Manatees I am working on:

It's about two kids who are trying to run away to Florida but they run out of money and their car breaks down. It was written and directed by my friend Minka Farthing-Kohl for his Temple University senior thesis film. I recorded and mixed the sound. He and I are editing it together and we just finished picture lock today. I will be finishing up the sound design over the next week or two while Minka does color correction. Lookout for a screening party at Minka's house in a month or so. We are hopefully going to have our friends (Dan, Bennett, and Parker of Neighborhood Choir; Russell Higbee of Man Man/Ideath; and our buddy Ted) who did the music perform the score live. I believe we are also going to show this film by our friend Noah Grant Levine called Counting Teeth, which I am also doing sound design for. It is a period film in Russian about two potato farmers cursing each other.

I've gotten a few submissions for volume 5 which I am pretty excited about. Shooting for a July 24th release date. Details on the release party will be up soon. If you plan on sending any poems that need to have any specific aesthetic quality you may want to save it as a PDF so it is formatted exactly how you want it to look. Would also love to get some more artwork. That's it for now!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Volume 5: Poetry Issue

I am more or less ready to start working on volume 5, which will be a poetry issue. Anyone is welcome to submit some poetry:

Please do not send more than 3 poems and nothing over three pages. Keep in mind that there is a chance I may not use what you send me, don't take it personal. I am also accepting artwork submissions. The cover for this issue will be designed and printed by Chris Kline, a member of the space 1026 collective who has been featured on and in Juxtapoz magazine. I am looking to release this book at the end of next month. 

Volume 6 will be short stories again, and I am accepting submissions for that as well. I've kind of found that the best look is to tackle these zines two at a time. That issue should probably be out in August or September. 

Looking forward to reading your poems.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Northern Libs Music Fest & Flea

Setting up a table this weekend at the northern liberties music festival and flea market. Flea starts at 9, music starts at 3. Come touch and smell the latest issue as well as vols. 1-3. Sposed to be nice out!

Parsnip Revolt
Social Hall
Twisted Kites - R.E.M. covers
Bloody Catholics
Audible (pictured)
Sweat Heart

Plus, FREE BEER with the purchase of every Bottomless Beer Cup ($10).

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Volume 4 Party Photos has some photos up from the Volume 4 Release Party taken by Tiffany Yoon.

The party was a super success despite Buffalo Stance not getting to play because of some noise complaints. We decided to delay the rest of the show until further notice. We will pick up where we left off at a later date, location TBA! There will also be more great shows at the Woodstove  in the near future. 

Volumes 3 & 4 are now available for sale at:

 Wooden Shoe Books - 508 S. 5th St. 
Jinxed - 620 S. 4th St.

& More locations soon.

Lookout for an update on Volume 5 in a few days. 

Monday, May 18, 2009

Volume 4 intro

At Shibuya Station in Tokyo, there is this famous meeting spot called Hachiko Square, where people congregate and wait for friends to meet up and go out to eat at the izakaya or have a karaoke freakout or whatever their activities for the night may entail in the massive entertainment district. When I was studying abroad in Tokyo in 2007 I would end up there from time to time. The legend goes something like (if you’ve been to Japan odds are you’ve heard this story) that a dog named Hachiko used to wait there for his master every day after he was done working and when the guy died the dog still waited for him every day at the same spot.

On several occasions while with friends waiting at Hachiko, this one Japanese guy would come up to me, and try to engage me in conversation (in English) about world matters; what I thought of Japan, what was I there for; about America, about Americans being in Japan. About Jesus. He would warn me about the Japanese, and say things like that they can’t be trusted. And most of all he would tell me to be cautious of Japanese women. He would go on and on talking about these things that he had clearly spent years pondering, and here I was, a college kid in a foreign country looking to go out and have a good time in one of the most, if not the most intense freakout party cities in the world. But while all my friends for the most part ignored him, I listened to what he had to say and contributed all that I could to his seemingly bottomless exchange of philosophy, observations, and judgements about Japan, America, and the World. After all I was in Japan to meet and talk to Japanese people, not to hang out with more Americans.

From what I could gather he was homeless, and he survived by selling these handmade collections of stories and poems he had written. I was interested, and I bought one of the small handbound books from him, I think he wanted 1000 yen for it, which was around $8 US.  It was called Black Stories: The Young Foreigner’s Friend and Guide, by Hideo Asano. The second time I met him he remembered me and told me he had slept in Yoyogi park the night before, and could I please help him and buy some of his stories, and I gave him 1500 yen for another book of stories and a small collection of haiku. I did want to help him, and I was interested in reading his work. I still had the stories he gave me last time in my bag, waiting to be read when I had a free moment (I was already reading several books for classes, including a Japanese & Chinese literature class; & also trying to experience living in Japan).

Hideo had told me about traveling to many places in the world, but I honestly didn’t know if I believed anything he said, or even if he was actually a native Japanese. In Tokyo there were very few homeless people at the time. Most companies in Japan hire you for life. The few that are homeless are extremely self sufficient, they build themselves mobile shacks out of wood and fabric, that they take their shoes off before entering.  The second book I bought from him was called Stories of Afghanistan and when I finally got to opening it up it turned out the stories were things he had seen when he was in Afghanistan during the civil war & Soviet occupation. After coming back to the United States I eventually did more research on Hideo and found out through comments on someone’s blog that Hideo apparently had gotten work published but never received any of the royalties from the book. He was widely known, and many foreigners recounted stories of their experiences meeting him in various parts of Tokyo that sounded all too similar to my own.

Two years later, I decide to start an independent short fiction publication, just for fun, just to get in the habit of writing and improve and invite other people to have their work be read by some people. And how perfect, I thought, would it be to put one of Hideo’s stories in that he gave me when I met him in Tokyo. He was basically doing what I am, writing from his heart and his experiences, making a zine and trying to make a few bucks off of it.

I decided volume 4 would be the issue for Hideo, since my friend Yuna who lives in Tokyo was designing me a cover, it would make sense to tie them together. I told a friend about it and he said “that’s cool, did you email him and ask him if you could use something?” and I realized I hadn’t even thought of that, I’d totally forgotten there was an email address on the very last page of each book. So I sent Hideo this email, half expecting it to be returned undeliverable or simply unanswered:


Hello Hideo,

My name is Sean, I met you in Tokyo in the spring of 2007. I bought two collections of stories from you. I live in the US, and I have started a small independent handmade 'zine collection of short fiction from different writers. It is called Four Thousand Flavors. I would like to use one of your stories for my next issue. I hope you won't mind. I enjoy your stories and I'm glad to have met a soul searcher and thinker such as yourself. Hope you are doing well, take care.


Sean Hamilton



A few days later, I see this in my inbox:


Hi Sean,

  I am sorry to tell this that my answer is no.



Things were not looking good for volume 4. Nobody was getting back to me about printing a cover, I really had no physical story submissions, only verbal promises. My story wasn’t even half written. And now Hideo had denied me permission to use his work. I sent him an email asking him to reconsider, I told him I wasn’t going to be making a profit from this, and that I wouldn’t change anything in his story & I would leave it exactly as he’d written it. He didn’t respond. The thought crossed my mind to just put one in anyway since he will most likely never see this, but there was no way I could let myself do it.

But everything ended up working out and I was able to make the book you are holding in your hands, and I figured I would tell you about Hideo anyway. He is one of the strangest and most interesting people I’ve ever met, and is part of the reason I started doing this. For the first time in over a year I googled Hideo, and I found that he now has a website which has some of his stories published on it:

There is also a link to his blog which has more work. But I find this part of the introduction on his website particularly intriguing:


Currently, as a struggling writer, he is reaching out foreigners with his written materials for his livelihood.  Meanwhile, as an English writer, he is still looking for a right ambiance for the sake of his writing.  Culturally and linguistically unable to pursue his dream, he is still searching for a Promised Land, where he could get a room, which have a table and a chair, to sit down and write.  Is there anyone able to get a simple room, which have a table and a chair in Japan, except five star hotels?  But all dead rooms you have to sit on the floor like Buddha.


He always felt that he was the old man in "The Old Man and the Sea" - so he himself is looking for a little boy who could have faith and confidence in his work.  He doesn't mind to go through the entire population looking for one soul who is willing to publish his work.


Please send him information about any publishers who are interested in his work.  If you are a journalist please don't hesitate to get in touch with him - an article about his work would be greatly appreciated.


You are enthusiastically invited into the world he fiercely cares for.

Friday, May 15, 2009

This Sat At Printcenter

Don't know if I will be there or not but you should be:

The Print Center

(1614 Latimer Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103)

Open Book
Saturday, May 16, 2:00-5:30pm
FREE and open to the public.

This event will bring together over two dozen artists presenting new publications. It will be a wonderful opportunity to collect books, meet the artists and have them personally inscribe their books. Participating artists and organizations include:
Andrea Baldeck
Katie Baldwin
Susan Bank
Ditta Baron Hoeber
Paul Cava
Common Press
Crown Point Press
Kip Deeds
Mandy Dunn
Angela Earley
Linn Edwards
Gallery 339
David Graham
Henry Horenstein
Bill McRight
Douglas Mellor
Andrea Modica
Nick Paparone
Gregory Pizzoli
Mark Price
Stuart Rome
Laurence Salzmann
Space 1026
Emily Steinberg
Zoe Strauss
Andrew Jeffrey Wright

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Whale Hat

Fish Hats.

Shark hat.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

From The Desk Of Mr. Cladis

I was happy to receive this sketch by my friend and 4000 Flavors contributor Nick Cladis by email. Nick is currently living and teaching English in the Chinese city of Shenzhen, which is near Hong Kong(There is a sweet graphic novel about Shenzhen by a French Canadian Animator named Guy Delisle).  Nick spends some of his free time studying the Asian art of paper-making. After China he plans to go to Taiwan to study Taiwanese paper-making. This drawing was done on some paper he made.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Volume IV

Come check out the new issue this Sunday May 17th @ Woodstove (same spot as the volume one party). The cover is designed by my good friend and Tokyo native Yuna Tanaka. This issue will also feature a story by Hideo Asano, a homeless  Japanese writer who I met at Tokyo's Hachiko Square @ Shibuya Station. Find out what becomes of Max the skateboarder & his posse in the conclusion of Ghost, a two-part saga which began in Volume 3. + a story by John Selwyn and many more treats...

This release will be celebrated with amazing music from special guests Javelin, Chandeliers, Mincemeat or Tenspeed, Buffalo Stance, and Skeleton Breath

Sunday May 17th
8pm $6
1712 N. 2nd St. (rear)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The days are flyin...

Huge thanks to all who came out to the volume 3 release party! It was a great time, I was kinda drunk. This issue is surely the finest looking one yet. I'll have it up in the store section in a few. Of course it would not have been possible without the endless talents of a man named Mark Price. Check out Mark at the Painted Bride this month:

This artwork smells/tastes/sounds/looks/feels great! Embrace the visual with all of your senses in an exhibition that blends the visual within a broader field of sensory perception. Guest curator Anabelle Rodriguez brings together a kaleidoscopic array of local and national artists who consider the scientific phenomenon of synesthesia, the blending of the senses.

Participating artists include: S. Damary Burgos, Roderic Coover, Matt Cue, Daniel De Jesus, Samantha Ernst, Art Fanega, Sofia Maldonado, Matt Neff, Mark Price (Space 1026), Dan One Polanco, Jacqueline Reis, Mario Rodriguez, John Schenk/Tantrum Tonic, Serendip, Daryl Raven Thompson, Shelley Thorstensen, Reade Vaisman, Michelle Wilson.

Independence Foundation Gallery for the Visual Arts
April 3 - May 16
Receptions: April 3 and May 1, 5pm-7pm

230 Vine St.

Currently reading Rabbit Run by John Updike and My Cousin the Gastroenterologist by Mark Leyner. One of my favorite lines from Rabbit so far: 

Nature leads you up like a mother and as soon as she gets her little price leaves you with nothing.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Folow FTF On Twitter

For all you's tweetin mofos:

Here is a rad animated short film I found on the internet. Its amazing to think about what the concepts for stuff like this look like on paper.

Volume 3 covers being printed today!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Free Library Fest This Weekend

Take advantage of the good weather this weekend and head over to the Free Library Festival:

The Free Library Festival—a burst of books, music, and inspiration on the Parkway—will take place Saturday and Sunday, April 18 and 19, 2009. Join us at the Parkway Central Library for two days full of stimulating talks by award-winning writers, live music, children’s entertainment, and a bustling literary marketplace thronged with booklovers and booksellers. A fun, free way to spend the day, the Free Library Festival connects booklovers from throughout the mid-Atlantic region with the culture makers of the literary world. 
A great place to pick up books & graphic novels directly from indie publishers, meet writers, and check out silly performances on the children's stage. Parkway Central Library 11am-6pm Sat & Sun. I went least year and it was pouring, but still had a good time. 


Thursday, April 9, 2009

VOL 3 Ready to Droppppp

4000 Flavors Vol 3 Release Party 
Friday April 24 at Padlock
8 - 12midnight

Color Is Luxury
Holy Ghost
Swiveling Hooks

Also on view in the gallery: Momentaneousness by Emily Kovach.

1409 Ellsworth
South Philly

I'm honored to say that the covers for this issue will be printed by Philly artist/Padlock resident/zine monster Mark Price. Expect something no less than pure nirvana for your eyes. There are also some great stories from folks such as Chris Reber, Rich Krauss, and Sara Wilson, among others; as well as a new comic from Steve Teare. I'm really looking forward to showing this to everyone at the release party, which is sure to be an awesome time. 3 electronic/noise sets will take place in the basement as we celebrate. Bring whatever you choose to party with, admission is totally free, however we will probably ask for donations for the bands playing. The party coincides with a show of work by Emily Kovach called Momentaneousness: Snapshot Portraits of People Places And Things. Stop by and check it out, grab a copy of FTFv3, and treat your eyes and ears to infinite radness!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Zines in the Gallery

The wonderful folks at Padlock Gallery are hosting this zine exchange of sorts on Saturday March 21st.
There are sure to be some amazing books on display including the first two volumes of FTF. Plus super rad noise bands.

(bring yr zines for sale / trade / display) - Noise in the basement - Whiskey in the Kitchen

Fuck Sunshine (Jewish Noise empire - from sunny SoCal.)
Dandelion Fiction (Birthday blow out)
Mincemeat Or Tenspeed (Still goth? - new double disc 'ManifestWizard' so out)
Cars Will Burn (first show in 6 months! - all cover songs - TI - GWEN - THEDREAM - GHOSTFACE - more bs)

EARLY - 8PM Saturday March 21
Padlock Gallery - 1409 Ellsworth - South Philly

****Four Thousand Flavors Volume 3 Release at Padlock on Friday April 24th...Need Submissions!****

The Volume 3 release date has been set for April 24th at Padlock Gallery. Bands TBA. For this issue the cover will be printed by Padlock resident Mark Price, a Philly artist who I am a big fan of. He is also a member of the Space 1026 collective.

I've only gotten a few story submissions since Volume two, and I definitely could use some more. ANYONE who has something they've written or are thinking about writing, please get it in to me at by the week of April 12th if you want to be in this volume that is going to have some 100% legit artwork on the cover. A volume 4 party is about to be announced as well, so I am pretty much accepting sumbissions at any time. Don't be scurred!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Zine now available here!

I've finally gotten around to setting up a paypal account for this site, and if you look over to your right you will see a neat little corner dedicated to zine shopping. You don't need a paypal account to purchase, just some form of a credit card. Shipping is included. Please take advantage of this to grab a copy of volume one and two if you are unable to pick them up in Philadelphia. Eventually I will be mailing every zine in a sweet screenprinted envelope.

I have also dropped copies off at a few shops in the city who will be selling 4000 Flavors. Pick up your copy at one of these awesome places:

620 S. 4th St.

Wooden Shoe
508 S. 5th St.

Brickbat Books
709 S. 4th St.

And more to be announced soon!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The perfect valentine

is the brand new issue of 4000 flavors! 6 spicy stories about love, sex, pedophilia, and sexual encounters with spiritual beings. Officially released tomorrow, February 13th. It will be available at the North Star Bar tomorrow night, though saturday will be a slightly more official release party and also a very special Valentine's Day Fuck Fest:

Saturday February 14th 2009 7pm
Penn's Woods
2065 E. Hagert St.
Philadelphia, PA

Space Sluts( Formerly SPORTS)
Sean (Ugh God)
José Díaz and the Niñas
Drone Masons
Fat History Month (Boston)
Vadican Roulette
Peer Pressure (Baltimore)

*York/Dauphin stop on Market Frankford line
**Donations accepted for touring bands

Should be all kinds of fun. I'm very pleased with this issue, and somewhat surprised that I was able to put it together only two weeks after volume one's release. 

In the spirit of Valentine's day, I would like to share something from the city paper that I find very entertaining. Every week in the back of CP they publish a sort of personals page called "I Love You I Hate You." It is mostly people anonymously telling another person how they sincerely feel about them, which I find very interesting and actually very real, as far as writing about that sort of thing goes. I mean these are extremely personal things being put out in the open, to the point where what is written really no longer belongs to the person who wrote them or the person they are written for, but to anyone who happens to read it. And some of them are just straight up hilarious. I have considered submitting one or two of these in my day, but I think I could only do it if I was in a situation where other methods of communication were no longer an option. Anyway here some of the juicier ones from the past few weeks. Enjoy:


I miss our awesome summer together. Riding around on bikes at night. Ducking out into strange places to fuck. Sneaking you into bars. And staying up past dawn every night. I know shit is over, but i hope that we'll run into each other again sometime.



I love and hate that you know what I'm feeling before I do. I hate that you have spoiled me in such a way that I could never love another the way I love you. I love that from the very first time we made love you knew exactly where and how to touch me. I love how our bodies fit perfectly together as if you were made just for me. Bob you're forever engrained into my soul, my once in a lifetime love, my bestfriend. Love always, E.



Yo, Chrissy from southwest Philly. Last time i was ever in love with a girl, it was you, and that was 22 years ago. i just wanted to let you know that i still remembered our not so great first date at Pizza Hut with your sister and her boyfriend (hope he's still around, he was a really nice guy). Best time of my life was that class trip to Wash. D.C. back in 1987! hope all is well with you and your family.



Since, I am assuming that you can read this is to the chick that rode on the EL train with me the other day. If you are talking to someone and you are standing at the door. Stand next to him and talk, dumb bitch don't wait until you get to 30th street and wedge your dumb ass between the person you are talking to and myself where there isn't any room. Yeah I told you that I wasn't talking to you when you said you and him were having a fuckin what! You know that I was talking about you.. Dumb ass cunt make your mind up which area you are standing before I get time I will slap you!



RICARDO! How could you be so stupid to take the Forbidden Fruit from the Snake of that TREE? You know she's a DECEITFUL/ CONNIVING CUNT. She's only using you as pawn in her little game to bring admissions back up at her bar & for whatever else she thinks you're worth. She's just going to toss you away again & laugh. Once you taste that fruit YOU'LL see the truth & you'll regret taking the fruit from that TREE. But by then it'll be too late, the joke will be on you & you'll have no where to go. Best of Luck to you!!!



The first time I talked to you we exchanged puns and metaphors and I knew I could love you. You said you liked the expression "like ships passing in the night" and at that moment I remember thinking I would do anything to avoid us becoming those ships. You crashed into my life and by doing nothing more then being your gorgeous, dorky self, made me fall in love with you. So this is message is to tell you, I think I have a little crush on you.



I am so mabuhay happy crazy in love with you puff! Everyday with you has only proved to me how ridiculously lucky I am to have you in my life. You're so maganda that it freaks me out sometimes, those gorgeous long lashes and tiger smile! I honestly believe that we were meant to find each other after too many years of being hurt and angry. You've shown me what it is to be truly loved and for that, I can only love you more and more each day. I hope I can be your happiness until we're old and senile then we can find each other all over again! So hufflepuff, here's to OUR future together filled with ridiculous laughing, pretzeling, mini chocolates, NOT getting fat, and nymphomatic playing everywhere! I cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a poodle in my eye to love you for who you are my counterpart



To My Step dad-I pushed you away all those years when all you wanted to do was become someone I needed in my life. Please know I never hated you, Maybe I was just mad as a kid that my own father couldn't be as wonderful as you. I respect and look up to you. I wish I could tell you all this but I'm an idiot. You're a great man, one in a million and if you ever had the chance you'd make the greatest dad a kid could need. Your truthful and always wanted the best for me and my mother. Thank you for everything. I regret I'll never grow up enough to tell you that I love you and that I consider you more a man than my real father could ever be.



I can smell you on the t-shirt I just put on. Must be your deodorant I used the other morning in your living room when you were unpacking so you could re-pack. Anyway, I'm pretty sure I'll never tell you this, so I thought I'd write it down so I don't forget how nice it is. Oh, and I hope you got that Hep-A shot before going to Thailand so you don't lose 15 lbs the hard way



It wasn't until recently that I realized that you're the Mr. big to my carrie. Starting out hot & heavy then not speaking for a year. You date someone else while I'm single. and then I cheat on my boyfriend with you. I always go back to you hoping that you will love me back, But no more. maybe in 10 years you'll grow up and see what you missed.

And now, I will wrap up this post with a fictional letter written by my friend Katie Rineer:

dear allen swamp,

today was a day full of overindulgence and black coffee. the kind of day where you think too much and realize human beings are shitty, self-absorbed, lonely beings...constantly in need of satisfaction. it made me wonder why we have such cravings and, being content can come in many forms, waves, and stages. our possessions, in a way, define who we are...but who we really are should shine above such material things. material things are such a distraction, allen, they produce judgement and criticism. can't we just live and completely expose ourselves? why do we give a fuck? you should experience who you really are, not some silly fabrication that you've made up in your mind. i think certain things would be figured out if we were exposed (our inner most core! our being!) we wouldn't have to go through the hassle of being so curious and crossing lines that tend to end up as mistakes...just because we don't know, because we have a feeling we should know. but i guess that's what makes things so interesting. the 'not-knowing', the part where people are in disguise with the material world. so easy to hide in a world where everybody is something (not real)(that they created)(in disguise). it makes me question alot. what is human nature? who is closest to who they are? (minus all the distraction). such instincts, the ability to look through people, to read minds and expressions, it's very possible to see through the layers. 
i can see through your layers, allen. and you are a beautiful thing. i think we should start off as being completely nude, and then move on to living in the mountains somewhere...far far away from people and this madness. i would know you and you would know me. you would shine because inside, who you really are, is some majestic and beautiful creature. sometimes when i stare at your face from across the room, you glow and radiate and i see you growing wings, giggling, and flying out the door into the night sky. you have such likable qualities. it's so easy to become absorbed in conversation with you...what a laugh, what a face, i have to say: i've been secretely in love with you for years. this may come as a suprise because this letter started as a declaration of our hidden selves, somewhat ironic i'm exposing my love to you. i'd like to invite you to my mother's annual christmas party where we can watch her become intoxicated on wine and flirt with the neighborhood men while my father slugs whiskey out of a bottle. horrid sight, but with you, it would be somewhat of a beautiful thing. meet me on the 23rd of december at the graveyard on old school lane. i'll be standing at the gate, 11 am, holding a large coffee and some flowers.

with love from me to you,

gibby c. poppley 

Sunday, February 8, 2009

1 down, 3,999 to go

Volume one is officially in the can and the release party couldn't have been more awesome. Thanks to all the amazing people who came. If your face wasn't melted by the disgustingly talented bands then surely it was by the disgusting number of beautiful ladies in attendance. I love all of you. Here are a few snaps to give you the gist of what went on.

By Tiffany Yoon:

By David Kellom:

Unfortunately I haven't planned anything quite as spectacular for volume two, but the new issue will in fact be ready to meet the world next weekend for valentine's day. I'm only doing 50 copies this time, and they will all be bound by a silkscreened cover. Cover art and print by Ralph Stollenwerk at awesome dudes printing. Ralph also plays in the band El Toro de Oro and I will be selling both volume one and two at their show with Stereoblaster on Friday the 13th at North Star Bar.

On saturday 4000flavs will be at a Vday party in west philly, more details to come on that. If you are looking to get your hands on either of the first two volumes but can't make it to either of these events, mark your calendar for February 26th when I will be at the Green Line Cafe at 45th & Locust for the Flat Mary Road show.

Hope everyone is enjoying volume one, the next one is going to be even better. Please PLEASE don't hesitate to submit anything you feel might fit in the 'zine. I'm gonna wait a little longer to do volume three to make sure I have enough time to make it as legit as possible, but it should be ready by mid-April, and there will surely be a celebration when it comes out. Til next time!