This artwork smells/tastes/sounds/looks/feels great! Embrace the visual with all of your senses in an exhibition that blends the visual within a broader field of sensory perception. Guest curator Anabelle Rodriguez brings together a kaleidoscopic array of local and national artists who consider the scientific phenomenon of synesthesia, the blending of the senses.
Participating artists include: S. Damary Burgos, Roderic Coover, Matt Cue, Daniel De Jesus, Samantha Ernst, Art Fanega, Sofia Maldonado, Matt Neff, Mark Price (Space 1026), Dan One Polanco, Jacqueline Reis, Mario Rodriguez, John Schenk/Tantrum Tonic, Serendip, Daryl Raven Thompson, Shelley Thorstensen, Reade Vaisman, Michelle Wilson.
Independence Foundation Gallery for the Visual Arts
April 3 - May 16
Receptions: April 3 and May 1, 5pm-7pm230 Vine St.
Currently reading Rabbit Run by John Updike and My Cousin the Gastroenterologist by Mark Leyner. One of my favorite lines from Rabbit so far:
Nature leads you up like a mother and as soon as she gets her little price leaves you with nothing.